620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
What is immunisation?
Immunisation is a way of protecting your child against serious disease. Once children have been immunised their bodies can fight those diseases if they come into contact with them.
If a child is not immunised they will be at risk from catching the disease and will rely on other people immunising their children to avoid becoming infected.
There will always be some children who are left unprotected because they cannot be immunised for medical reasons they are too young to be immunised they cannot get to the vaccine services for a few, the vaccine doesn’t work.
How do I immunise my child?
A child immunisation clinic is held at the surgery with the nurse. These are usually held in the morning. Please bring you red/blue book and see the nurses. If your child is ill, we usually try to delay the child.
How do I get my flu/influenza vaccine?
We offer flu vaccinations every Winter and usually start booking in September. We particularly recommend vaccinations for those at risk including patients with lung disease, asthma or bronchitis, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, all patients aged 65 years or over and those with lowered resistance to infection. It is also recommended for residents of nursing homes, elderly people’s homes or other long-stay facilities. Please enquire at reception early. The vaccinations are dependent on the supply please be patient.
Are vaccines safe for me?
Yes they are but the decision to take is entirely yours Should you require further information please contact your doctor/ nurse, or www.immunisation.nhs.uk
If for any reason you still do not want your child to be vaccinated, please let the surgery know. Use the ‘refusal for recommended vaccines’ form and let the surgery have a copy. If this is your decision, it is vital that your child’s medical records reflect this and that they are accurate.
The Longbridge Practice
620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
The Longbridge Practice
620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
The surgery is open Monday – Friday from 08:00am – 18.30pm
Outside these times the following can be contacted for treatment and advice:
NHS Direct – 111