620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
Patient leaflets
For information on any topic please click on the following links and type your query in the box provided.
NHS encyclopaedia – www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/encyclopaedia
Patient.co.uk – www.patient.co.uk
Community Pharmacy Service
Sometimes our reception staff will suggest on the telephone/ or face to face to visit the pharmacist to get treatment. This saves you from making an appointment to see the doctor. Should you feel you need to see the doctor anyway, the reception staff will be happy to make the appointment. The patient can see their Pharmacists for the following conditions(listed below). The Pharmacists will do an assessment and prescribe/ advise accordingly.
What can they treat?
The following are
• Athlete’s foot
• Cold
• Constipation
• Diarrhoea
• Eczema
• Head lice
• High temperature
• A sore throat
• Vaginal thrush
• Hayfever, allergic rhinitis, allergies
• Adenoviral/bacterial conjunctivitis
• Mouth ulcers
• Insect bites / stings
• A cough
• Nasal congestion
The Longbridge Practice
620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
The Longbridge Practice
620 Longbridge Road
Essex RM8 2AJ
Tel: 0203 668 7497
Fax: 0844 4778562
The surgery is open Monday – Friday from 08:00am – 18.30pm
Outside these times the following can be contacted for treatment and advice:
NHS Direct – 111